Conferencia sobre uso de Tecnologías en Atención SocialCall for Final Conference: ICT and e-Skills for Social Care

El 26 de febrero se celebra la conferencia asociada al proyecto Carenet (
relacionado con las competencias en el uso de tecnologías de la información
aplicadas a cuidados socialesCare-workers in home care and older persons are exposed to the risk of social exclusion as they are both often at the margins of society and likely to be the victim of exclusion in the fast-changing digital world. ICTs and associated competences have been shown to be a critical component in mitigating these risks of exclusion and helping to support an increased quality of life. The acquisition of digital skills is essential for both those in the care sector and families. In the family employment sector we find over half of all private individual employers aged 60 years old and over, and low-skilled women representing the majority of household employees.

On 26 February 2014 an international conference will be organised to share the lessons learned and to collaborate with other initiatives of the field and to establish further use of these results.

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